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Thrust ball bearings

Time:2014-04-19 10:06:40      Click:2351
  • Ddescription

    Thrust ball bearings

Product introduction
Thrust ball bearings are produced as single direction or double direction thrust ball bearings. They are designed to accommodate axial loads only and must not be subjected to any radial load.  thrust ball bearings are separable, i.e. the shaft washer, housing washer(s), ball and cage assembly(s) can be mounted separately. Shaft washers have a ground bore to enable an interference fit. The bore of the housing washer is turned and always larger than the shaft washer bore.
single direction thrust ball bearings consist of a shaft washer, a housing washer and a ball and cage assembly . As their name implies, single direction thrust ball bearings can accommodate axial loads and locate a shaft axially, in one direction only
double direction thrust ball bearings consist of one shaft washer, two housing washers and two ball and cage assemblies .
The housing washers and ball and cage assemblies are identical to those found in single direction bearings. Double direction thrust ball bearings can accommodate axial loads and locate a shaft axially, in both directions.
51100 51134 51200 51238M 51317M 51411
51101 51134M 51201 51240 51318 51412
51102 51136 51202 51240M 51318M 51413
51103 51136M 51203 51244 51320 51414
51104 51138 51204 51244M 51320M 51414M
51105 51138M 51205 51248 51322 51415
51106 51140 51206 51248M 51322M 51415M
51107 51140M 51207 51252 51324 51416
51108 51144 51208 51252M 51324M 51416M
51109 51144M 51209 51256M 51326 51417
51110 51148 51210 51260M 51326M 51417M
51111 51148M 51211 51264M 51328 51418
51112 51152 51212 51268M 51328M 51418M
51113 51152M 51213 51272M 51330 51420
51114 51156M 51214   51330M 51420M
51115 51160M 51215 51304 51332 51422
51116 51164M 51216 51305 51332M 51422M
51117 569164 51217 51306 51334 51424M
51118 51168M 51218 51307 51334M 51426
51119 51172M 51220 51308 51336 51426M
51120 57172V 51222 51309 51336M 51428M
51122 51176M 51224 51310 51338M 51430M
51122K 51180M 51226 51311 51340M 51432M
51122S 51184M 51228 51312 51344M  
51124 569184 51230 51313 51348M  
51126 51188M 51232 51314 51405 51706
51126M 59188M 51232M 51314M 51406 51707
51128 51192M 51234 51315 51407  
51128M 51196M 51234M 51315M 51408 10089/300
51130 511/500M 51236 51316 51409 10089/500
51130M 511/530M 51236M 51316M 51410  
51132 5691/500 51238 51317    
51132M 5691/600        
